Fire & Smoke

Fire and Smoke Damage

As a fire claims adjuster, we assist clients through the insurance claims process to ensure that they receive a fair settlement for their damages and losses because of fire and smoke.

We know how devastating the consequences of a fire can be for businesses. Our adjusters at Property Protectors are here to help. As a fire claims adjuster, we assist clients in the insurance claims process in ensuring that they receive a fair settlement for the fire losses and damages.

Taking a Stand for Policyholders

Managing a smoke and fire damage claim with an insurance company is never easy.  Smoke and fire can cause substantial damage to your property.  Excessive heat from fires can cause damage to your property’s roof, framing, and other building components that can compromise structural integrity.  Smoke, corrosive chemicals, soot, and tar also cause serious damage to HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems, and cause damage to nearly all interior finishes.

Property Protectors knows the seriousness of fire and smoke claims and the subsequent damages that they can cause both structurally and cosmetically to your business, but also emotionally and financially.  Therefore, you should take away the guesswork and allow us to fight on your behalf to get the settlement you deserve.

Helping You Every Step of the Way

By working with public adjusters like us, you can be assured that we will help you every step of the way. From the moment we first inspect your property to evaluate the scope of loss to the time you receive your settlement to get the necessary repairs, we will be there for you.

If a fire recently struck your  property, make sure to call us immediately. We will investigate the issue and bring in experts to assess the extent of the damage. Fire and smoke damage can be destructive, so we check your property thoroughly to seek out all signs of damage.

At Property Protectors, we treat every client’s case with the utmost dedication because we want you to recover successfully. No matter what the fire size, we will stand by your side to help you get the insurance payment you deserve.

File for Your Fire Damage Claim with Us Today

Hiring a fire claims adjuster to file your insurance claim and negotiate your settlement can make all the difference. At Property Protectors, we take a stand for our clients to help them recover from the losses and damage they have sustained. We are dedicated to getting you the highest possible settlement to help your business avoid costly downtime. 

If you need help filing your fire and smoke damage insurance claims, do not hesitate to reach out to us at 1 800 658 1943. We can schedule a free consultation to get started immediately.